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I designed a board with Artix7 and DDR3 RAM. For connections please see attached. Vivado gave an error and the error screenshot is also uploaded. Do u have any solution for this?
I m starting now to study DDR memory interface using FPGA.
But I hope i can help you...
It seems your problem is related to PINs assotiation for data/address group signals whitin the bank.
You should select the correct bank for your device,
ONLY using MIG to select and
validate the pins assignment
for data and address/control signals.
Maybe you selected wrong bank (each bank has a different PHY to I/O signals)
or you should separate data group in a bank and address/control group in another bank.
Check it using MIG.
It could be useful to have a look at a reference schematic, as Robert always says in his lessons

, for banks/groups selection in DDR interfacing:
http://https://www.xilinx.com/suppor...rd-v7-fpga.pdf(on page 14)
and maybe it could be usefull also to check another example of DDR pins assignment, here:
check " design guidelines" on page 192 and "DDR3 pinouts Example" on page 213.
I hope it can help you somehow