Moving Average Filter - Theory and Software Implementation - Phil's Lab #21
Moving average filter theory (time domain, frequency domain, Z-transform, FIR, etc..) and software implementation on a real-time embedded system using an STM32 microcontroller and a barometric pressure sensor.
- 00:00Introduction
- 00:37JLCPCB (LittleBrain PCB)
- 01:36Content Overview
- 02:02Movering Average (MA) Filter Overview
- 02:31Calculating the Output
- 03:15Relationship with FIR Filters
- 03:49Properties (Frequency Response)
- 04:05Z-Transform (2-Point and M-Point MA)
- 05:12Frequency Response Analysis
- 06:17FIR Filter Video
- 06:36Software Implementation (STM32CubeIDE)
- 09:00Live Demonstration (Raw vs Filtered Data)