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Internet marketing – Identify your customer

Your target customer may not be the one who you think is and maybe even your product is not what you think is.

I was looking for some feedback about ProjectAndTask.com system.

I made a 5mins video and ask following question on Linked In:

I am looking for valuable feedback on Project and Task management system
Do you understand importance of project management? Do you subcontract work or are you a freelancer?

I was looking for feedback from project managers, subcontractors and freelancer – because I was expecting these are target customers for the ProjectAndTask management system. I have got feedback exactly from these people and for them Project management system was something completely different comparing to what I was presenting on the video!

I know the system is useful and works great. I use it every day and saves me a lot of time, but looks like it is not a project management system!

Next steps
Now I need to figure out, what the system actually is. I also need to  identify group of people who will use the system same way as I use it.

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