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Freelancer and Time tracking – It’s not about money

The other day I read an interesting Jared’s opinion in this article:

Freelancer Time Management and Why Time Tracking Sucks

were he is saying:

“The statement in the title is a bit bold to say and many people will go against me when I say it, but time tracking is a waste of time. Time management however, is your best friend.”

Why I use time tracking?

  • Increases focus and concentration – When I am tracking my time I really focus and concentrate to do the job.
  • Saves from admin stuff – Time tracking helps me save from all the admin stuff. Timesheets and Cost reports are automatically generated by software. Very useful when running more projects in parallel.
  • Saves my time – I save a huge amount of time on not writing emails with details what I am doing and what I am working on. My clients can check it online.
  • Saves client’s time – Clients don’t need to call me or write emails to know project status. They just go online and check it by themselfes.
  • Saves Client’s money and My time – Because clients see what I am working on, they can stop me immediately if they think I should not be spending more time on a certain task. This may save weeks.
  • Clients know how much it costs them. They can check cost of any task – in the real time.
  • Clients know when I am working on their projects and when I am not. I don’t keep them in uncertainty – “Is he currently working for us .. or someone else?”

Also Jared’s is saying:

“They hate not knowing the final cost.”

This is true. Therefore I always tell my clients general project duration, but it’s impossible to tell how long it will really take. I have proven records quality of my work. Clients know that. What I do – needs to be done. And that’s what they pay for. If it takes longer – then it needs to take longer, if project needs less time then it is done quicker.

What do you think? How do you work?

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