SkyDvv , 02-02-2024, 05:13 AM
Heey, Hope you're OkayI was working on an ESC before with SILABs Controller...There was first prototype that worked perfectly fine, Even better than the industrial expensive ones.But we wanted to make a second version to improve the programing or confugrating experience.So, We made another one by only:1- adding 1 led as a power indicator2- made it smaller3- Resistor and diode arrays to save space4- making the programming more easier by adding some pin headersI programmed 2 of them and got to test them, they act wierd at high speed, the just get triggered then stop, trigger, stop for 3 of 4 times then run normal..I was wondering if any of this helps to figure out the problem, I'm still an engineering student, i don't know much about motors or machines.PS: I suspected the feedback routning, may it cause a problem if one of the phases is a little bit longer than the others?I will attach some of videos I captaured, notice that backward max speed is 1112, forward os 1912 and stop is 1512.At low speed it works perfectly fine.