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Digital isolator question

Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 03:11 PM
So I was looking at digital isolators. It is for functional isolation and I see that all have a MBps speed rating but when I lookin the datasheet I get confused since I don't understand how is that data formated in terms of signal.
Like if a part is rated for 10MBpd can I send a 10MHz signal through it or not?
Went and did math on some eye diagram and it was a bit more then 10Mhz so I am confused.
QDrives , 03-03-2025, 07:15 PM
Those are for digital signals.
Optics, especially LEDs, degrade over time. You want the speed during its lifetime all the time.
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:21 PM
they are magnetic
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:21 PM
and there are some capacitive types from TI and infineon?
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:21 PM
yes i know i want digital, i need to make some gate signals cross and also 1 UART
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:22 PM
i was considering useing a a cheap MCU as a UART ADC or use some UART ADC
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:26 PM
might also be able to use SPI ADC but i need to be carefull with CLK signals
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:26 PM
that is wjy i asked
QDrives , 03-03-2025, 09:49 PM
Still, you want to be able to guarantee the speed.
Sniper2 , 03-03-2025, 09:51 PM
well from what i see delay is well documented
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