Looking for processor platform under following needs.
V3rn3r , 02-05-2019, 11:20 PM
Hi folks!!
I want to make an industrial router project.
What I want my project to include:
1. ARM-based processor 1Ghz or higher
2. DDR3 or DDR4 memory 2Gb will be more than needed but extra memory will be encouraged.
3. 3x mPCIe (Gen2 or Gen3) slots (Wifi Card applicable)
4. SATA (the second one is optional and will be encouraged)
5. RTC
6. SD Card
7. 4x100MbEthernet or higher
8. NAND (optional)
9. 2x USB 3.0
10 4x USB2.0 output ports
I was looking at NXP's LS1043/1046/1088 processors series but they use a CPLD in reference design (I didn't understand if it is possible to exclude it from the project) that I don't like.
Maybe someone knows the other processors that might very easy to use with good documentation and software support?
And If NXP's processor is a good choice for my needs than I got the other question about CPLD using. Because it seemed to me very overcommitted I think
Updated: USB ports added
robertferanec , 02-08-2019, 05:31 AM
The question would be performance. Using 1GHz ARM CPU for handling 3x mPCIE + 4x Ethernet (possibly also USB 3.0) ... I am not really sure how fast and responsive it would be. For this kind of projects you may want to use chips which are designed for network processing and CPU would be just for managing these chips.
If you still would like to do everything through the ARM, maybe have a look at PCIE switch - then you would have enough PCIE lines for MPCIe and Ethernet chips .. but again, be aware of limitations:
V3rn3r, 04-11-2019, 02:07 AM
Robert, finally decided to follow your advise and do all the work on SOM-7569BCBX-S5B1 by Advantech. It is Atom based SOM that already has a lot of PCIe ports, SATA and etc. And some of PCIes could be used for ethernet. But now I got more questions and I think I will post them in a different thread. Thank all of you for the information and help in design.
anovickis , 02-21-2019, 07:05 PM
My favorite SoC for a while was marvell armada 78640, which is 4 x 1.3G+ 32bit arm / ddr3 but it does not meet your USB3 requirement
they do have a newer version 88F8040 which I'm migrating to which does
they have quite a bit of assistance inside for packet routing, but you will need NDA
V3rn3r, 03-10-2019, 01:28 AM
That Ic looks very cool. But I haven't ever worked with them (I'm a newbie in HW design so I haven't worked with many companies ). Do they provide design documentation and design support? Have you ever worked with them?Thank you for the searchings vector)
anovickis , 04-26-2019, 06:48 PM
If you decide to use it you can ask and I may be able to help - but they won't provide design support of any sort unless you are above 1-5M$/year
There are some public designs out there for that part (The data sheet is available publicly though)
V3rn3r , 04-28-2019, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by
anovickisIf you decide to use it you can ask and I may be able to help - but they won't provide design support of any sort unless you are above 1-5M$/year
There are some public designs out there for that part (The data sheet is available publicly though)
1-5M is too much))))
If everything will go good we will need 100 items of our equipment per year only

Even though thank you very much for the information - I will keep this IC solution in mind!
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