Adding a 0 Ohm to the Clock signal
chitransh92 , 09-11-2018, 01:01 AM
For the layout and routing of the Clock signal a document recomends :
"...For EMI purposes, it may be beneficial to include series termination to limit the energy sourced from the oscillator. If series termination is used, the termination resistor should be placed as close to the oscillator output as possible on the PCB."
So far I have connected the osciallator directly with the pin but I am forced to thing in this direction reading this.
Suggestion expected.
Thank you.
robertferanec , 09-12-2018, 03:10 AM
I often place 22 or 33 OHM resistor on single ended clock and I place the termination resistor close to the output pin (if needed, you can play with the value). This doesn't apply to differential pair clock signals, they may need different termination.
Paul van Avesaath , 09-19-2018, 07:46 AM
I agree, even just having a 0402 footprint in line gives you the option to add any value to it.
chitransh92 , 09-25-2018, 01:25 PM
Yes agree to both.
Thank you.
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