for highspeed signals it is wise to add multiple via's to gnd when changing layers.. keep them parrallel to the transistion via (so equal distance) see image
I am assuming that with radiation you mean the crosstalk it will put onto other signals.

Crosstalk and EMI issues are huge sources of concern when designing for high-speed applications. One method developed to combat this is the use of vias for s...
above might be helpfull
1. I didn't use the guard traces with multiple vias in previous version as well. so was it not effective guard tracks to prevent radiation.
in my opnion not.
2. I have used only one GND via at the point, where the clock is changing the layer from layer 4 to layer 1. is it the effective way to control radiation?
always put via's near transmission layer changes if it is for high speed signals. it will help with transient responses and gnd loop issues.
3. In 3rd Picture shared by you, Guarding is not a complete loop. it is individual guarding with multiple GND. So i learned that a creating loop with just via is not effective way. Its better to have multiple stitching.
a complete loop is not possible in most cases since you have two end points. best way is to keep a fixed distance from the main trace and enough via's to shield other signals. there is an optimum here.. more via's is not always better.. pcb layout is always a trade off in design rules in my opninion.