Thermal and Electromagnetic Noise
Oscar , 03-06-2018, 04:22 PM
How can I determine thermal noise on a PCB? That is, not in a theoretical way but in a real situation, what is the correct way to determine it?
How the faraday cage works against electromagnetic noise, how can I know how much my PCB improves with a Faraday cage?
Thanks for help.
robertferanec , 03-07-2018, 09:18 AM
Could you be more specific - provide some screenshots and specific situations?
Oscar , 03-07-2018, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by
robertferanecCould you be more specific - provide some screenshots and specific situations?
Well, I do not really have a screenshot now about the project, but the idea is to build a low noise circuit, with some OP-AMP needed to read biological signals from the legs, then I need to use this information on a computer to analyze it and extract some important data, rigth now I am working only on the analog circuit. However, part of the project's requirements is to determine the thermal noise and also use the Faraday cage to reduce electromagnetic noise. I do not know how to measure the thermal noise in a circuit, I know the theory about it, I know the equations about it, but I do not know how people in real life characterize the thermal noise in their circuits, even I do not know if this is possible. On the other hand, I know that a Faraday cage can help against electromagnetic noise, but I have never done it, so I would like to know the experience of someone who has used them, and correct techniques of how to implement them on a PCB.
robertferanec , 03-08-2018, 08:43 AM
Ah, I understand now. I am not expert for this

Maybe someone else on the forum could help?
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