nachodizz990 , 02-24-2017, 03:06 PM
As Robert said,
This is not a power plane and this is not a power path, this is a low current reference voltage for the center of the eye mask and supplies the ddr comparators you only want to have a clean signal with low IR drop ( 20-25 mils)
For power planes ( processor domains , high current) you want wide planes to sattisfy ZTarget and IR drop
I calculate Ztarget as follows:
I take the processor 1.1V voltage domain at Drystone test.
Lets say 3A.
The processor supplier tells you 3% tolerance, this is 33 mV
Ztarget is: 0.033/(0.5x3A)= 0.033/1.5= 0.022 ohm for the entire plane and all the freqcuency range, this is why youbfind some parallel capacitos of different values to reduce esr to ztarget accross all frecuencies up to 200 mhz. Then power- ground capacitance above 200 mhz and for VHF, the internal soc caps (discrete or morfet based)
Some times you only need to decouple low wideband impedsnce up to 200 mhz because the SOC has internal caps)
Other reference designs include the same value for all caps ( 220nf) i have te explanation but its hard to xplain i have a doccument about this, i will search it)
I suggest you to copy Robert and Fedevel Layout behaviours, i've learned from Fedevel and i complemented Fedevel Lessons with some especialized PDN books.