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I would like someone to review my schematic

chris007 , 06-06-2016, 02:11 AM

I am still a bit new to altium and pcb design, but learnt a lot so far thanks to Fedevel academy

I have performed a schematic and still have a few error appearing which I don't know how to solve.
I woudl really appreciated if someone could spend a few minutes looking at my project to giv eme some feedback about :

1./ If they see anything wrong or suspicious
2./ If they see anything missing
3./ If they see any strategy of schematic improper
4./ How to solve those erros which I see appearing in the mesages box and the ECO when I tryto pass to layout (do I need to care about them or not ?)
5./ If appart the USB you see any differential pair I omited or classes ?
6./ I am unsure about the issue using net and port. I was thinking to use net being global but I am unsure it is a good idea or not.

I am willing to pass on layout but I am worring doing some mistake and then need to restart everything again.

I have my files here:

Thank you very much for your time and help.

robertferanec , 06-06-2016, 02:45 AM
Hello @chris007. I really hope someone will help you with this. I would love to help, unfortunately I can not do that It's very difficult with my time. Sometimes it is even difficult to answer all the questions on this forum and for that I would like to say "Thank you" to @mairomaster who is helping me with this forum and provides fantastic answers to you guys
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