USB Hub not working properly
MLc , 10-20-2023, 04:25 AM
Hello everyone,
I want to ask you for help what is wrong. Why this happen.
I designed board with 100W PD(MAX25432B), USB Hub based on USB5744 chip. I don't use aby custom configuration through SMBUS for Hub driver.
USB2.0 communication/data transfer worked without problem.
I have problem with hub in USB3.0 data communication. When I connect USB3.0 flash drive, it was connect only for a while then disconnect, again connect and this happens all the time. One time USB3.0 was connected longer without falling out of communication so I managed to try copying the data. It worked. So, I am thinking about some EMC/EMI noise?? Something disturbance tx/rx lines?
I use ESD protection: TPD4E02B04DQAR for tx/rx lines and ESD401DPYR for data+- and CC lines.
My stackup is: 1L-power + signals (critical signals), L2-GND plane, L3-signals, L4-power+gnd pour
Any advices?
USB-C wiring on board
Thank you
qdrives , 10-20-2023, 03:13 PM
You might find some help using Wireshark to report messages about the USB connection.
Is it your hub that is disconnected or the device?
MLc , 10-21-2023, 02:44 AM
Hi, this is good question... thank you.
I use USB3.2 C-C cable. I checked it and I think that hub is disconnected in loop sequence. I opened device manager and I saw when my HUB is connected to laptop it still refreshing/searching for hardware changes. Few times I saw that Generic SuperSpeed USB Hub was disconnected and only Generic USB Hub was connected. After few refresh/scanning for HW changes SuperSpeed USB Hub was found again. Also, I saw higher % CPU usage for Windows Explorer process with USB3.2 C-C cable.
My USB3.2 C-C cable is with E-mark chip.
I did another test. I have USB2.0 C-C cable. I use that. I saw in device manager only Generic USB Hub . That's logical. With USB2.0 cable I don't have problems with refreshing device manager in loop. USB2.0 C-C cable work without problems.
So, in my opinion there is some problem on SuperSpeed communication lines. I did schematic wiring according to EVAL board. One different between EVAL board schematic and my is that: I swapped RX lines polarity and they swap TX lines polarity.
I will try the WireShark too. But need to learn how to use it.

qdrives , 10-21-2023, 05:31 AM
What if you connect devices in USB 2 to the hub and the hub in USB 3?
Other tools:

USBLogView is a small utility that runs in the background and records the details of any USB device that is plugged or unplugged into your system.

USB, USBView, uvcview, USBView download, UvcView download, USB Tree View, USB Tree Viewer, UsbTreeView, reset USB port, restart USB port
MLc , 10-21-2023, 06:55 AM
If I connect usb2.0 device (mouse, usb flash) to the hub which is connected in 3.2, the device work.
MLc , 10-22-2023, 07:35 AM
If for some reason the USB3 flash remains connected, it is not connected through SuperSpeed communication...
qdrives , 10-22-2023, 12:49 PM
Are all solder connections good?
Did you check under a microscope or did x-ray?
MLc , 10-22-2023, 01:04 PM
I checked it under magnifying glass only. But I will try to resolder hub driver and ask at school if they have microscope.
Also, look...
I don't know how, but it stay for a while in SS connection. But the connection failed after while.
qdrives , 10-23-2023, 12:53 PM
Is your stack-up the same as the evaluation board?
Is the actual board stack-up as you designed it? (cross section the board)
Are the components correct? ie. are the termination resistors the correct value (physical).
MLc , 10-23-2023, 01:10 PM
I don't know if my stackup is the same as microchip because they share in pdf only top and bottom layer(they have 4Layer too). I think the have in both inner layers GND/PWR planes. I have only GND plane in L2.
How I checked if the actual board stack-up is as I designed it?
Components are correct. I measure it.
But, maybe I found the problem....

I think.... because USB3.0 in SS sometimes worked for a while.
Microchip said in
AN26.21: The length of a SuperSpeed USB differential pair traces must be within 0.13mm of each other. I didn't do a length matching is SuperSpeed lines ...

So, the way how to find out if this makes the connection looses is -> order the new redesign board with correction :|
qdrives , 10-23-2023, 01:31 PM
How much is your length difference?
0.13mm is very small. What is the rise time for USB3?
That distance would be for ~1ps skew.
Did you design the stack-up to have the correct characteristic impedance?
MLc , 10-23-2023, 01:50 PM
For example:
UsbC RX lines - 71.103 vs 72.421mm
UsbC TX lines - difference 1.152mm
Downstream port1 - RX difference 0.401mm, TX difference 0.019mm
Downstream port2 - RX difference 0.175mm, TX difference 0.019mm
Downstream port3 - RX difference 0.595mm, TX difference 0.594mm
Downstream port4 - RX difference 0.594mm, TX difference 0.594mm
Mostly for my tests I use the port1 or port2.
What do you mean with "rise time for USB3"?
I design the stack-up according my layout and easy routing and use the impedance setting in Altium to set Diff pair impedance matching 90ohm.
robertferanec , 10-24-2023, 09:59 AM
Did you try different USB cables? Possibly, did you try the same cable with development boards?
MLc , 10-24-2023, 10:17 AM
I tried it only with usb2.0 C-C cable and usb3.0 C-C cable. But will try it with another usb3.0 C-C cable.
I don't try it with development board. I don't have it. This is my first circuit and testing USB5744.
robertferanec , 10-24-2023, 10:39 AM
many USB cables are bad, so I would recommend to buy number of them and test them .... just to be sure the cable is not the issue.
MLc , 10-25-2023, 08:10 AM
Hi, I bought another C-C usb3.0 cable. But the working is same.
USB hub is connected in superspeed until there is no USB3 device connected to him. After I connect device the issue with disconnecting start.
So cable is not a problem, probably..
Also, my usb3.0 flash drive die. Stop working today. I think the hub kill him..
qdrives , 10-25-2023, 02:35 PM
USB signals either 2 or 3 cannot damage a product even if the D+ and D- are reversed.
Your device is now defective, than the problem should be more in the Gnd, power or shield.
MLc , 10-26-2023, 02:09 AM
Hi folks,
I have plan... I re-design my board
- I will apply the length matching to data and RX/TX pairs.
This is the only thing that has not been tried yet. And microchip telling about it in AN26.21 and AN26.2.
Each member of a High-Speed differential pair should be no more than 1.25 mm (50 mil) longer than the other member. Each member of a SuperSpeed differential pair should be no more than 0.05 mm (2 mil) longer than the other member. The transmit differential pair (TX+ and TX-) does not have to be the same length as the receive differential pair (RX+ and RX-)
The length of a SuperSpeed USB differential pair traces must be within 0.13mm of each other.
- And also I will try to change the stack-up to -> L1 Signal, L2 Plane GND, L3 Plane PWR/GND, L4 Signal.
Your opinion on it?
How to make the length matching on the lines from HUB IC to USB-C connector? Because the pins are in USB-C connector doubled. So, do the length matching with final length together with the short connection in connector?
With light blue lines or only match the red lines?

qdrives , 10-26-2023, 02:31 PM
I would match the length via to via or pad to via.
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