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Basics about PCB designing

Rani.pohane , 02-24-2016, 08:08 AM
I have just completed my engineering and trying to design PCB in professional way. So I have queries as follows I kindly request you to please help me with this or if possible then please direct me to corresponding links.
1) How could we decide the clearance criteria for the signals? Is there any short cut method or calculators available for this?
2) How to decide track width according to voltage and current?( like if the ckt will flow 4A of current and voltg across the terminals is 12v then what will be the minimum and max track thickness?)
3) How could we decide the max length margin so that functioning will not get affected?

I know it will be bit lengthy, sorry for that but to save your time , I would suggest to direct me to respective link.

Thank you.
robertferanec , 02-27-2016, 05:08 AM
Hello @Rani.pohane

1) Depends on what you are routing. Maybe you are looking for something like this: How to decide on Minimum Gap / Clearance in PCB Layout
2) This will help you. It's a free software with different kind of calculators: Saturn PCB Toolkit
3) Usually you find this information in design guide. It depends on frequency and interface. Here you can find example (page 40): iMX6 Design Guide

I hope this helps.
Rani.pohane , 03-02-2016, 06:01 AM
Thanks for suggestions. Well, I have gone through the Saturn PCB Tool kit,..it is like more than expected which is confusing me a lot....but its okay ...I will get comfortable soon.
So, I need to study and explore lots of things about PCB design..I hope we will be in touch. Thanks again
robertferanec , 03-02-2016, 08:40 AM
Thank's for leaving your feedback. Glad to hear it helped you.
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