inspired by the recent posts on EasyEDA I thought I would take a crack at it myself - and I have to say, for most of my projects it's actually making life much easier than KiCAD, so really enjoying it
one of my first projects that I was attempting was a really, super simple Feather adapter board for connecting 3x DS18B20 1-wire temp sensors
I think my schematic is rather neat, so I am pretty ok with that, but when i was doing layout, I realised that in this case I have LOADS of board space and so there is very little external factors influencing my component placement and routing choices. With more complex designs I can find myself saying "this is basically the only way to route this, will it work?" if it won't work I need to go and move components etc. However in this simple case, it's all up to me.
Although the minimum with EasyEDA is two layers, for some reason on such a layout that feels like cheating, and you should be able to do it on one layer... on the other hand, if you have two layers "for free" then you should make use of them to make for a neater layout, right?
so my first attempt (single layer) was like this:
I have the ground trace snaking around and through the screw-terminals. Due to the data lines and the Vcc, i think this is the only way to do it on a single layer, and i have no doubt it will work. However, realising that the headers are through hole, and i have a free layer, i did this
and then what I would do, is make a power polygon (plenty of space) and the entire bottom layer can be ground. i might also make the 1-wire pull-up 0805, since there is no reason not to.
what do people think? any feedback, suggestions, improvements?