Routing a board like the imx6rex in 4 layers
Johnnyjax , 04-24-2020, 05:13 AM
I'm a student and will soon be completing the advanced pcb layout course. Im thinking of designing a board like the imx6rex covered in the course just to learn and to be sure I understand the course fully. I dobt really care if it's the best type of board or if it's the most efficient since it's just for me, all I care about is the cost. I'm trying to go for the cheapest possible board I can manufacture plus I dont want to just do a design that I'll never make because its expensive. Do u think it will be possible to route a board like the imx6rex in 4 layers with through hole vias alone? Will a board like that work? Will it be too difficult? Or should I just give up on the idea. Thanks
robertferanec , 04-27-2020, 05:13 AM
Important is to be sure that you can route memories. For memory layout, often you need at least 3 layers for signals - TOP with component, Bottom for address in one direction, Middle address in other direction. You still may need solid GND and a layer for power plane - so 6 layers is maybe at least recommended.
PS: Of course, I have seen DDR3 layout also on 2 layer PCB, but then you really need to know what you are doing (or really not know what you are doing) and it has to be a specific situation (maybe one chip only, slow speed, enough space, etc)
Johnnyjax , 04-27-2020, 06:47 AM
Oh... Alright. Thanks a lot
Johnnyjax , 04-27-2020, 06:52 AM
I'll try to do it on 6 layers and hope the cost isnt too much for me to afford.
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