How to design 2 PCB at same time on Altium?
Didan , 04-17-2019, 12:04 PM
Dear forum, Im in a project (it doesnt start yet) which will be necessary to use 2 boards, one bigger board and another smaller connected with mezzanine (board to board) connector like picture attached connector_board_board below... Thats not final solution, its still in discussion and about these connectors if somebody here have any experience with this kind of project involving 2 boards conencted though this kind of board to board connector gonna help sharing for instance, manufacture part numbers and datasheet. Moreover, I dont know how to develop 2 boards at same time in Altium Design and if there are any special consideration between these kind of connectors like controlled impedance, differential pair to route it between these 2 boards and how to deal with high speed signals in these situation.
I really dont know how to do it and if somebody have any reference design board using 2 boards with these kind of connectors to share will be welcome. Finally, share links about how to develop 2 boards integrated with each one in Altium gonna help. I just know that I can create any PCB boards that I want in Altium, but like if I wanna to sepparate and we will need do it, differents parts of circuit in one board and the rest of circuit in another how to do it? As picture below "dimensions_board" we will need to place different circuits and how to communicate them? If there are any tutorial from fedevel or youtube video gonna help so much because our team here is lost about this topic ...

robertferanec , 04-24-2019, 06:17 AM
Paul van Avesaath , 04-26-2019, 03:46 AM
is't it a part of altium 19's to have a mutliple PCB i have seen a demo on it.. (that does not mean i trust it because i dont..) i would go roberts way -> 2 serprate projects..

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robertferanec , 04-26-2019, 04:05 AM
In AD18 / AD19, when you use multiboard, you are putting together separate projects. So you still need to create the boards separately.
Didan , 04-27-2019, 06:39 PM
Thanks so much Robert and Paul Van. Im looking all references.
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