[Schematic Review Request] Maximum Power Point Tracker synchronous buck converter [39kHz]
mr meeseeks , 09-11-2024, 12:24 AM
This circuit should rectify a 100W solar panel input to charge a 12V car battery. It employs a half-bridge gate driver and uses a power sensor as the feedback loop. All relevant io details should be present in the schematic. Any input is greatly appreciated! (Ignore battery sense voltage divider, please)
mr meeseeks , 09-11-2024, 12:25 AM
QDrives , 09-11-2024, 09:39 PM
It does not rectify, but that is not to the point.I would add a transient voltage protection, but I doubt it will protect your INA291 on the input with their "absolute maximum rating" of 26V and open voltage being 24V.
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