Pull ups on i2c devices - noob question
fanwind , 07-19-2024, 03:44 AM
So i have this simple OLED screen i used in my esp32 project. I heard you need pull up resistors on the SDA and SCL pins, however when I was devolping this on the breadboard, it was working without them. Do i need to include them on my schematic for PCB? Does the PCB the OLED moduel is on contain these resistors already? Was planning to just solder the thru whole compenet to my board - as is
fanwind , 07-19-2024, 03:47 AM
Pull ups on i2c devices - noob question
fanwind , 07-19-2024, 04:04 AM
fanwind , 07-19-2024, 04:16 AM
this is schematic of that pcb, pull ups allready included, so i can make direct connection from SDA/SCL to my esp32
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