OrCAD 17.4 convert electrical pin to mechanical for surface mnt device
vajranaga , 03-10-2025, 08:21 PM
I am having trouble with some symbols/footprints. I cannot seem to edit an existing footprint to convert an existing electrical pin/pad to a mechanical one. This is leading to WARNING(ORCAP-2434).I've edited some padstacks for the mounting holes, converted them from thru pin to mounting hole, saved, refreshed, still no luck.Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
vajranaga , 03-11-2025, 10:25 PM
Made some progress on this, deleting the pin number of a pin in PCB Editor in the symbol (.dra) file works. BUT, it doesn't seem to work for all footprints, or all pads. I can't figure out why yet. I've tried various active classes/sub-classes, no luck. Seems like 'Package Geometry/Pin_Number" and "general edit" mode.What works for some: move/drag the pin number away from the pin/pad, then you can delete it. Inconsistent, and really frustrating. I cannot select the pin number without selecting the pin for most though, and if I just delete the text for the pin number, it returns after trying to use backspace (to leave an empty pin number)
Robert Feranec , 03-12-2025, 05:38 AM
I am not sure what the problem can be, looks weird
vajranaga , 03-12-2025, 02:50 PM
I've had soo many problems with this software that were bugs, it's hard to figure out if this is a bug or if I'm just too inexperienced. It's like I cannot select the pin number text when it is over a pad. Very weird
vajranaga , 03-12-2025, 03:13 PM
I figured out a workaround. I was able to edit the text in the Pin Number field, so instead of deleting it directly (which it wouldn't let me do), I added enough characters to overflow the bounds of the pin/pad, then I was able to select it separately to delete it and convert the pad/pin to mechanical.
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