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OrCAD 10.3 to 17.4 conversion issues

vajranaga , 02-25-2025, 06:24 PM
Hello. I am currently working on finishing a project started and nearly finished by a co-worker. They completed their work on OrCAD 10.2, and I was able to translate and convert the .max to .brd, and open the schematic files.

The issue is that in Capture, when I open the Property Editor tab for any component, the original path to the library is greyed out on 'Source Library' and I cannot change it. It is from the previous computers' path. I have the libraries added to the Design Resources, but nothing I have tried so far works to change the Source Library for any component/part.

Do I have to delete and re-add each component to properly associate it? Are there any other tips or thoughts?

FYI: I'm very much an OrCAD noob, I've only used it for a few months and produced a couple designs.

Thanks in advance.
vajranaga , 02-25-2025, 07:10 PM
I've tried going Tools>Utilities>Replace Path in Design Cache but that doesn't seem to work.
vajranaga , 02-25-2025, 08:01 PM
So far I've found that I can right click on the part in the design cache, choose 'Replace Cache' and that is the fix.
vajranaga , 02-28-2025, 07:08 PM
The footprints are not previewing now, which is confusing, since I have the design cache updated, full PCB design, I can see the footprints in PCB Editor, but cannot view them in Capture. This is for all components. I've added relevant paths to psmpath in PCB Editor and in Capture.ini file. I cannot get any footprints to preview in Capture.

There are over 12 large schematics and several boards with hundreds of components, so manually selecting everything is very laborious. Any thoughts?
vajranaga , 02-28-2025, 07:08 PM
OrCAD 10.3 to 17.4 conversion issues
vajranaga , 02-28-2025, 07:45 PM
...Figured it out, went from a few hundred DRC warns/errors to 10!

Went to PCB Editor Export>More>Libraries, then selected all, exported to directory, then added that directory to psmpath and the config.ini file.
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