ElectronHerder , 03-08-2025, 06:48 PM
What is the proper way to create a NPTH with a pad? The component is an SMT threaded standoff (Wurth part number 9774030360R). The suggested land pattern is a non-plated hole with a pad. Is this as simple as creating a pad in Altium that is a normal through-hole pad with the "Plated" check box unchecked?I will be using JLCPCB to manufacture the board. In their list of capabilities on the website, I found two specifications I would appreciate help in understanding.The first is in the drilling section. The feature is "Min. Non-plated holes", and the description reads "Please draw NPTHs in the mechanical layer or keep out layer". Does this mean the hole should be placed in a mechanical layer or keep out layer instead of Multi-Layer? I have made boards in the past that have NPTHs, and I have drawn them in the Mult-Layer layer and not had any issues. Is Multi-Layer the correct layer, but what they mean is they would simply appreciate the NPTHs to be documented in a mechanical layer? Is it good or bad practice to create two Excellon drill files, one for PTH, and the other for NPTH?The second specification is in the Traces section. The feature is "NPTH pad annular ring", and the description reads "Recommended 0.45 mm or more. This is to allow a 0.2 mm ring of copper to be removed around the hole for the sealing film to attach. Pad sizes smaller than the recommended value can result in the annular ring being very thin or completely missing". Am I correct in assuming I do not need to remove the 0.2 mm ring because they will remove it when preparing the files for manufacturing? There is one other related feature they list, which is "NPTH to Track", and the minimum value is 0.2 mm. Fortunately, this value correlates with the "NPTH pad annular ring" requirement, and I don't have a question about it. I just thought it would be worth mentioning for completeness, and that it matches the other specification.Thank you very much for the help.