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Need help with a design

, 01-31-2024, 04:36 PM
I have a task and I did some research on it. It is a first design for me where I am using 32 bit microcontoller.

The task is to develop a small PCB module (schematic and design) with a microcontroller STM32 and a 4G SIM module SIM7070G with a SIM card holder.

The board should be powered from a 100-240VAC 50/60Hz input. 2 interfaces are required in each board:

1- 4p 2.54mm for programming the microcontroller with STlink.

2- 4p 2.54mm for reading debug and output messages from microcontroller.

Is there anyone who can help me finding some reference designs to design point number 1 and 2 above? Thanks in advance.
ATHONOR , 01-31-2024, 08:56 PM
have you managed to find any evaluation boards?

I would suggest looking at "SWD" for 1 and "UART" for 2, should be on pretty much every ST Evaluation board.
, 02-01-2024, 04:14 AM
Thanks a lot @ATHONOR I have checked the evaluation board and found the schematics there. It was very helpful
ATHONOR , 02-01-2024, 08:41 AM
You're welcome, the hardest part is knowing where to look sometimes!
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