QDrives , 01-23-2024, 11:08 PM
"Do I need to reduce the current to the capacitor?" -- Lets assume the cap is charged to 10V, Vf=1V and the 12V is well 12.0V. How much current would flow through the diode? Mathematical it would be infinite. Now if you add a 2.2 ohm resistor, the peak would be ~5A.I see 78L12, usually the L is for low power. What are the loads of the 12V regulator? I assume that the 150mA is the current limit?"Cause as far I know when the brush motor turned of it through voltage in reverse voltage ." ??? A DC brush motor will also act as a generator, is that also what you try to say here?Theoretical the DIScharge current could reach 7A (assuming your numbers and calculations are correct).However, the formula for tswitch is not (entirely) correct. R*C is a time constant. 1RC = ~63%, 3RC=~95%.This means that the absolute peak current is simply 12V / Rg = 12V / 1.3 = 9.2A.However, the driver too has resistance. And you are advised to also add an additional gate resistor, a typical value for something like this is 10...47 ohm.Now if you take that dV=50mV, and the 2.2 ohm resistor in the beginning, you get a peak of ~25mA. No problem for small diodes such as BAS40.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of_v2N5f788&pp=ygUZZ2F0ZSBkcml2ZSBzYW0gYmVuIHlhYWtvdg%3D%3Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq1Iw6ByXAw&pp=ygUZZ2F0ZSBkcml2ZSBzYW0gYmVuIHlhYWtvdg%3D%3D