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GND Nets not existing

The Chosen One , 07-24-2024, 01:58 AM
I am currently making a 4 layer board and I am about to add a GND plane, however, when I go to assign the net, I see that for some reason none of my components have a GND net

Attached is a photo of a sample schematic to see if its a schematic issue
Robert Feranec , 07-24-2024, 07:50 AM
very long time ago I created this video. Use navigator in schematic to find out how the ground is connected and called: https://youtu.be/JS_VWGzVRbY?si=jwyyEBemX_ZZXDM9&t=238
Mini , 07-24-2024, 10:34 AM
Why you simply wont make GND polygon? You can connect GND easily with polygon. Just make a whole layer GND if you want or just draw part of it.
The Chosen One , 07-24-2024, 10:35 AM
See that’s what I want to do, but none of the nets are ground. They all some net label that isn’t GND even when they are connected directly to GND
Mini , 07-24-2024, 10:37 AM
what is this?
Mini , 07-24-2024, 10:39 AM
Your schematic should have GND net. Something wrong with your schematic then if you don't have it. Are all GND connected properly and you haven't renamed it or something? Since your schematic so simple maybe try copy and paste it again part by part and see where the problem comes.
The Chosen One , 07-24-2024, 01:07 PM
This is page one of a 4 page project, so redoing all 4 schematics would take some time.

Either way, the pin you pointed is connected to a GND net no?
Mini , 07-24-2024, 01:09 PM
I can't see what's going on due to resolution of your screenshot. It looks like some kind of error(red line)? If you do schematic check do you get any errors? You could try then copy whole this page into new project(few clicks) and see does your GND net will appear?
Mini , 07-24-2024, 01:11 PM
Also if this is a part of schematic the problem might be somewhere else.... maybe you renamed GND or something in some another page? Kind of hard to guess without seeing it all.
Robert Feranec , 07-24-2024, 01:33 PM
did you try what I suggested (use navigator)? I suspect there is a short circuit with a different net somewhere.
QDrives , 07-24-2024, 07:58 PM
I think you have multiple net names for Gnd.
@Mini pointed to one possible culprit and @Robert Feranec on how to find others.
Make sure that the "nets with multiple names" gives at least a warning or, better still, an error.
You can do so though project / project options. the rest is in the picture.
The Chosen One , 07-26-2024, 05:07 AM
Yup, I found that warning and that is exactly the probem
The Chosen One , 07-26-2024, 05:08 AM
for some reason, GND has the net name 3.3V, which makes no sense
The Chosen One , 07-26-2024, 05:08 AM
The Chosen One , 07-26-2024, 05:31 AM
So how do I fix this?
Robert Feranec , 07-26-2024, 05:40 AM
did you use the navigator? it will exactly show you what is connected with - you can find the short circuit: https://youtu.be/CDAuCchchtI?si=G0XvyYYuOjBUHzk6
Mini , 07-26-2024, 02:16 PM
You have short circuit somewhere. Look at Robert suggestion and find where you made a mistake.
QDrives , 07-26-2024, 08:13 PM
I do not know if Roberts video shows the "interactive navigation" too as I did not (re)watch the whole part/video.
However, with interactive navigator you just click on the "Gnd" net and the navigator will show what Robert mentions in the vidoe.
This way, you do not have to know the netname and find it in the list.
QDrives , 07-26-2024, 08:14 PM
And "validate" your project first and select flattened hierarchy.
The Chosen One , 07-27-2024, 01:10 AM
I tried that and I dont see how this helps me fix the net names?
Robert Feranec , 07-27-2024, 04:40 AM
go through every page ... you will clearly see where you make the connection between GND and +3V3AN ... it looks like it is not on this page
The Chosen One , 07-28-2024, 04:24 AM
What do you mean by make the connection between GND and +3V3AN?

My problem is that for some reason +3V3AN is the same net as GND but they aren't supposed to be.
The Chosen One , 07-28-2024, 04:24 AM
Heres a page with +3V3AN
The Chosen One , 07-28-2024, 04:24 AM
Robert Feranec , 07-28-2024, 06:29 AM
it is the same net, because somewhere in your schematic you connect them together. you need to find the place where this happen.
The Chosen One , 07-28-2024, 03:27 PM
found it, fixed it, it fixed my proble,

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