Altium Footprint/Symbol/Library understanding
sh_aks , 03-14-2024, 06:31 PM
Looking for comments to understand how to manage parts in a library in AltiumImage Shows Parts A and Part BSymbol - A=B Footprint - A=BMPN - A Not= B**Option A**Only 1 Part called "Switch-th-6mm" Parameters MPN1=A and AlternateMPN =BLimitation have to specify which part to buy in BOM. (MPN1 or Alternate)(Not the solution i would like)**Option B**Only 1 Part and it has Variants(Not sure if this is correct terminology for part)So can just select the correct part with correct MPN parameter.How is this handled on Library level an not at schematic and manual edit way?the same concept will apply to Family of chips with same pins just different MPN for Rating changeresistors - Unique MPN for each ValueOption B will be more preferred but not sure how to implement it
Robert Feranec , 03-15-2024, 07:08 AM
I don't know how altium handles the alternative parts now, but I don't use them in Altium. purchasing handles alternative parts. Has Altium improved it? Does someone use alternate parts in altium?
QDrives , 03-15-2024, 07:55 PM
If I simply take a resistor as I have in my library. The yellow colored parameters are unique per manufacturer/MPN. I count 7 in total.So if I truly would like to add alternatives (which I do not), then I would still create both and place them in the library.Either use variants or, as someone I know does, have a dedicated alternatives Draftsman document with the alternatives.I have seen something in AD24, but could not find out exactly if/how this would work in AD standard.
sh_aks , 03-16-2024, 10:01 AM
OK let me re-iterate your words in my wordsCreate a new/duplicated Symbol for every unique MPN.Manage the use in Variants of PCB or Manage it outside of Altium in manual iteration in BOMorDraftsman (not a bad option either)----------------------Temporary - I am willing to manage it in Extra Parameters for Alternate MPNs.----------------------
sh_aks , 03-16-2024, 10:10 AM
Is it only if we use the database like library management that we can assign same symbol and Footprint to multiple MPNs?trying to manage a custom list of R and C - Calling it an "Internal Common Part list"So thinking where to add all this data for MPN for each Value of the resistors.----------------------------------------I see this being done in database based library managing.Eg.SQL based Online Based: to see how to do this in integrated Lib or any other way of library management. Local device based management is the constraint.
QDrives , 03-16-2024, 04:01 PM
Q: Is it only if we use the database like library management that we can assign same symbol and Footprint to multiple MPNs?A: All schematic library methods can assign all footprints (and multiple footprints). However, only the database and A365 split the parameters from the symbol.
QDrives , 03-16-2024, 04:02 PM
A integrated library is just a schematic and PCB library in one. I do not see any benefit in it.
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