Paul van Avesaath , 11-06-2018, 05:43 AM
yes they can effect each other. if you have the posseblitiy to put a ground plane in between it will help.. but it all depends on how much noise there is on the 24 volts.. also if you use sufficient caps over a wider range eg, 47uF, 22uF, 10 uF, 2u2, 100nF 10nf, it can really reduce the noise from a power supply. there are also plenty of filters to create with few components to really bring down noise.. with regards to you 3.3V, what is the source? an LDO? a switch mode? (usually a SOC can handle a lot of abuse before the voltage supply is a problem. but you have to measue it on the prototype to see if things are as you expected..