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two-hole radial leaded tantalum capacitor footprint

JohnCe , 10-16-2018, 08:09 AM
I created a 31 mil diameter via, and assigned it to a component in a schematic. A wire will be placed through the via and soldered. I now have a need for a leaded radial through-hole tantalum capacitor. I don't know whether to use the padstack editor to create the two hole footprint, or to take the 31 mil via I created , and somehow modify it so that two vias are 2.5mm apart. I don't know how to do either, but I wanted to ask for guidance.
Paul van Avesaath , 10-17-2018, 08:10 AM
you should make footprint for this or select one from your default library
JohnCe , 10-17-2018, 09:02 AM
I wound up starting with one part from the library, and editing it, and saving it to my personal library.
robertferanec , 10-22-2018, 04:40 AM
Are you using OrCAD?

You should actually have two components (component = schematic symbol + PCB footprint):
- First component should be a PAD where you solder the wires
- Second component should be the CAPACITOR

If you are using OrCAD, to be able to create PCB footprints, you would need to use PADSTACK editor. You would need to create two pads:
- one pad which would be used in your PAD footprint
- second pad which would be used in your CAPACITOR footprint
JohnCe , 10-22-2018, 06:31 AM
Yes, I am using OrCAD. My solution was to modify a pre-existing pcb footprint and save it to my library. I am aware that there are two elements, i.e. footprint and symbol, but I didn't understand your last two points.
- one pad which would be used in your PAD footprint
- second pad which would be used in your CAPACITOR footprint
robertferanec , 10-22-2018, 11:50 PM
Footprints are using pads (pads are created in Padstack editor and they specify the pad where component legs will be soldered). Watch exactly this minute: - there you can see how I am choosing pads which are going to be used in the footprint.

So in your case you may need to specify two pads in padstack editor.
- one pad which you will use in your PAD component (the component which is used to solder the wires)
- and second pad which will be probably used twice in your CAPACITOR footprint (these will be the pads where capacitor will be soldered)
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