This is a very interesting topic. I am very curious to see the discussion.
I had a look at some of the articles, and found
Minimizing EMI Caused by Radially Propagating Waves Inside High Speed Digital Logic PCBs by Franz Gisin, Zorica Pantic-Tanner. Very interesting - especially the picture 18 (see the attached picture). It's a shame, that a simulation with two GND planes and one middle PWR plane pulled back is missing - because that could be the picture we are looking for.
It looks like, the rule should not be used for 2 layer PCBs, but I would say, it should be fine if PWR plane is between two GND planes. It looks like, 20H can have also other effects on your PCB e.g. according to the Franz Gisin, Zorica Pantic-Tanner article "... it reduces PCB resonance effects ...".
In our designs, we pull back PWR planes in most of our PCBs, but we normally pull it back only 1 or 2 mm under GND plane and we place PWR planes between GND planes. We have not seen any EMC issues because of that.
I like the following sentence from
20-H Rule Modeling and Measurements article:
"Like most design guidelines, the 20-H rule can be helpful to those who understand its origin and purpose. However, it can create more problems than it solves when misapplied".
What do you think?
imnavajas, 09-04-2015, 03:24 AM
Looking at the radiation pattern, what 20H rule does, it looks to me, it is change the radiation direction. I miss a color scale in order to see the dBuV/m range and if they are appreciable. Because if the lightter the most radiated EM, 20H rule gives you more EMI in the upper direction of the picture.What you think?