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Fabrication Testpoint

hajri_abderaouf , 12-17-2015, 09:45 AM

I would create test pad for each node on my pcb,i had follow the following step:
1-I had set the design rules
2-Tools>Testpoint manager>Fabrication testpoint (see attachements)
Bare-Board Fabrication are always incomplete
Is the test point presented in the pcb are generated by altium or by the user ?
Kind regards,
robertferanec , 12-17-2015, 11:38 AM
Hi @hajri_abderaouf. I do not use Altium testpoints. I do not remember exactly why, but I know I tried it, but it wasn't what I was expecting.

In our schematic, we use a special testpoint component. It's a simple 1 pin schematic symbol, with simple 1 pad footprint.
mairomaster , 12-17-2015, 04:25 PM
I do the same as Robert. Just create a schematic symbol with 1 passive pin. It is good to set the component type to No BOM, so it will not appear in the BOM if you generate such. For the footprint I use a simple 1 mm round pad (make sure the designator of the pad is the same as with the schematic symbol pin designator).
hajri_abderaouf , 12-18-2015, 01:45 AM
I do the same in some net,but i want to create a test point in every node,so with a complex schematic i will be very hard to ensure that i have not foget anyone,so i'm for a technique that generate all of those.
Many thanks,
robertferanec , 12-18-2015, 11:21 PM
Ah, I have never put testpoints an all the nets, so I can not really help with this Maybe try to check with you Altium support. They may be able to help you.
hajri_abderaouf , 12-21-2015, 01:03 AM
Great,i'm asked to do a TP to every node,because the product must be tested in every node (flying probe),with altium i can check wich node that don't have a test point,just the follow many step,set it in design and after go to tools>testpoint manager,i find that it can be useful if i go back to schematic and adding a TP and after that updating pcb,it was a great solution because i can annotate every one,but they told me you don't have to modify any thing in schematic
So,if i will add manualy TP on PCB by adding new footprint component it comes with name (designator 1),the manufacture ask me to send them a file wich is a list of all tp named successively
Net Name Xcoord Y coord
3V AA1
5V AA2
R32_2 AA3
good day freind,i will go back to post the solution when i find it because it's very interesting
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