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PCB Ordering

mostafa222 , 12-17-2016, 07:28 AM
Hi Dear Robert. I want to design 10 layer board with altium. My board have 2 DDR3 and one Zynq FPGA. as i understand, the pcb manufacture must tell me the stack-up and pcb material and rules(for impedance consideration). Am i Right? If True, What Information i must tell the manufacture and what information they will give to me?
Can you please introduce me some manufacture that can give me this information. I don't know any manufacture because i build my PCB for the first time. i appreciate that you help me in this matter. thanks
robertferanec , 12-19-2016, 10:35 AM
This may help you: Download PCB Stackups – Free for your Projects

If you can, you really want to re-use existing stackup rather then trying to define a a new one. To get stackup and impedance information from a PCB manufacturer often takes weeks of changing emails. Many times happen, that after 3 weeks they tell you, that they will not be able to manufacture it. Usually this only means, they don't want to talk to you anymore, but if you finally get the stackup from someone else, they are suddenly able to manufacture it.

If you still would like to talk to a manufacturer, this may help you: How to design PCB stackup You will find there also example of email which you can send to the PCB manufacturer.

About PCB manufacturers, I just answered your question here: http://www.fedevel.com/designhelp/fo...acture-company
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