Hi robert

I have some problems and I want to ask you what will you do in these case:
1.I cant file some component in IMX53 schematic library:ARMICE20,DVI-I,FBEAD( has no information),some H%(H3,H4),JTAG8,L,LEDH3,PBSW,RJ45RA,spectically USB2A.In this case,I find on digikey and choose components I think they ok or use initial component on IMX53 library?
2.I dont know why when I search on digikey e.g LP2980AIM5-3.3/NOPB,decription is SOT-235,but package/case SC-74A or SOT-753?what exactly the footprint I need to save on altium?
3.A component .e.g DIMM200 has 4 parts,separately symbol on schematic but same footprint?How can I creat it which look like on IMX53 library?
4.Thank you very much.