Differential Propagation Delay
IMR , 06-21-2016, 09:22 PM
Hi, I'm trying to use the following part to recover and remove jittter from a HDMI clock signal. Looking at figure 4 of the datasheet and the AC electrical characteristics table it can be seen that there is a propagation delay of 1.4ns. How do I adjust the lengths of the other data pairs to compensate the delay on the clock pair?
robertferanec , 06-23-2016, 07:53 AM
Hi @IMR. I am not sure what you are trying to do, but adding a buffer may not remove jitter. Jitter may be caused by the generator.
JohnsonMiller , 07-03-2016, 11:31 AM
In a differential routing what does gap actually mean? is it center to center distance or edge to edge?
mairomaster , 07-03-2016, 03:50 PM
Inner edge to inner edge

JohnsonMiller , 07-04-2016, 01:12 AM
Is it accepted among different design tools? I am using Mentor Graphics Hyperlynx for stack up design.
robertferanec , 07-04-2016, 11:16 AM
Gap / clearance is the space between two tracks. It is same understanding / definition in all software (at least in all the software I used including Cadence Allegro, PADS, ...).
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