We have graphics symbol, component parameters (including links, supplier data, footprints and simulation) and footprints.
For a lot of components the graphical symbol is the same, like resistors, capacitors (well two types - (non)polarized), inductors, diodes (do think of zener and schottky, etc.) etc.
Most footprints ar very forgiving - a 0805 resistor footprint can handle just about all 0805 resistors without much problems.
With capacitors it may get a bit more problematic as the height varies more and that affects the pads size a bit.
The other question if to what extend you want the perfect footprint
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMxXea16HxcThe big question is now on what parameters you add to a component.
Let me show you the data I have for a simple 0402 10k resistor.
As you can see, a lot of the parameters (and other data) is very specific to the manufacturer and type used.
First have a library just for resistors (Pas - Resistors). One for capacitors (Pas - Capacitors), I have one for discretes (Act - Discrete), and power/regulators (Act - Power), etc.
In this case you create a Act - Opto library.
This will make it much easier to find the components and manage them. For instance with the parameter manager
https://designhelp.fedevel.com/forum...9647#post19647To create a new component, copy one that matches the most.
Adjust the parameters, links, supplier data, footprint, simulation as needed.
If a lot of these are the same, you can have a new component in 1 minute.
Tip for resistors (and capacitors if possible) - select a manufacturer and type (family) that meets the specs, price and availability.
Footprints - I do create a new footprint if it is a better match.
What is simple? During part creation or management, production, support, DfM, etc.? The way I do it, may be more work beforehand, but saves time when production is needed (BoM, etc.)
I want to be able to simply place a schematic symbol and know that everything is correct already.