I am looking for help with an issue we are facing with an LCD panel. We are not sure if it is a software issue or a hardware issue and would appreciate a bit of guidance.
We are using a 800 x 480 pixel screen in DPI (RGB) mode and seem to have a random line that seems to scan across the screen as can be seen in the attached images and video. Horizontal lines are unaffected by this. We are not sure if it is a layout issue or a firmware one. To rule out a hardware issue, we are unsure if the traces for this should all be the same length (I can’t seem to find a definitive answer). The lengths of all the traces are shown below:
DISPLAY_VSYNC = 49.64mm (Frame synchronising signal for DPI)
DISPLAY_HSYNC = 47.46mm (Line synchronising signal for DPI)
DISPLAY_DOTCLK = 52.99mm (Dot clock signal for DPI)
DISPLAY_DE = 51.14mm (Data Enable Line)
DISPLAY_DB0 = 46.76mm (DB0 - DB21 = IM£ IM@ IM1 IM0 Interface)
DISPLAY_DB1 = 46.02mm
DISPLAY_DB2 = 43.01mm
DISPLAY_DB3 = 42.29mm
DISPLAY_DB4 = 40.14mm
DISPLAY_DB5 = 38.10mm
DISPLAY_DB8 = 38.87mm
DISPLAY_DB9 = 37.44mm
DISPLAY_DB10 = 37.40mm
DISPLAY_DB11 = 37.61mm
DISPLAY_DB12 = 37.50mm
DISPLAY_DB13 = 37.48mm
DISPLAY_DB16 = 37.56mm
DISPLAY_DB17 = 37.49mm
DISPLAY_DB18 = 37.24mm
DISPLAY_DB19 = 37.61mm
DISPLAY_DB20 = 38.41mm
DISPLAY_DB21 = 36.18mm
DISPLAY_RESET = 79.31mm (Hardware Reset)
DISPLAY_CSX = 75.37mm (Chip selection signal)
DISPLAY_RD = 74.57mm (Read Signal)
DISPLAY_SCL = 70.97mm (Write Signal)
DISPLAY_RS = 69.79mm (Register selection signal)
DISPLAY_SDA = 69.08mm (Serial Data input pin)
Thank you.