PCB Manufacturer can manufacture almost everything - so even without specific rules they still may be able to manufacture your PCBs. The thing is, if you follow some rules, you can save a lot of money and troubles - that is where all these rules will get handy. For example, if you use 0.3mm track width/space then your PCB is going to be much cheaper as if you use 0.075mm track width/hole. Also, if you set correct rules, the board you design will be exactly the board you will receive (e.g. if you leave very thin solder mask sliver between pads, then you may think it will be there, but PCB manufacturer may remove it because they will not be able to manufacture it).
So you would like to be sure, that on your PCB there are no these special places which could increase your PCB price or make it hard to manufacture.
This may help:
- How to design cheaper PCB? What the parameters on PCB manufacturer website mean?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyVjg6-wfvY- EEVblog #1259 - PCB Manufacturing Options EXPLAINED:
https://youtu.be/mT2Vp3HcIP41) The best is to understand first how PCB is manufactured. The videos above can help with that.
2) The best place to ask questions is here on this forum