the text i used for plugged and plated via's was
All via's should be plugged and plated according IPC-4761 Type VII.
you will need to talk with your PCB manufacturer if they can comply with this..
I placed the tekst onto a mechanical layer. and reffered to it in my printspecification file.
just to make sure @Didan do or don't you know what PCB manufacturer you are going to use?
I can't stress enough that you need to have communications with them at this point in your project...
the faster you can get manufacturing involved the better off you will be.. (and i know what a pain in the ass manufacturers can be)
just look at it this way.. if you are done with your design you will be so happy you did..or else you might hear something like:
we can't do it like this.. you should have used this via or minimum trace width, or this stackup..
not all manufacturers can make every design you make, for most of us we learned the hard way

also think ahead about testing your board. if you can let your OEM do this you need to implement that from the start.
good luck and show us from time to time your progress!!