Hi Pank,
Nothing weird about having a dream.. I always wanted to work for space industries as wel.. got the job offer a few years back.. but declined.. (had to move to Finland for it..) but don't think what they send up to speed is flashy highspeed stuff all the time.. it's more robust will never fail and is tested to hell and back. but keep dreaming it.. it will come..
since you are working now for half a year.. don't think you will be able to do all the highspeed stuff in an instance.. experience is what you need.. and a good undestanding of all processes in between.. so not only PCB design. but also: schematic design, simulation of design, library managment, production knowledge, PCB material knowledge, knowing the manufacturing company and their capabilities. that just akes some time! i know i must sound like the "old dewd" here.. but give it a few years.. try and get the most out of what your doing right now.. aim for the sky, dont loose the dream, but take it just a bit slower to get there than hopping on the big ass rockets..
also if you dream about it.. just send a good email to Elon explaning you will design his next gen rockets controllers and maybe you will get lucky,.
to become a freelancer you do not need that much experience. because you can select the jobs you are comfertable with,.
as to the steps you can currently do.. read lots of stuff.there is a lot of highspeed stuff on the internet..
also keep on designing.. if you have a cloud license.. jsut install altium at home, and log into it.. push every button there is and see what is happening.. also check out other peoples designs..
and ask questions, talk with the designers in your company, try and learn other stuff like programming uP, or FPGA.
also practise.. a lot.. if you have done the design and think it's good.. save it,, and start again. try some different angles.. you might find a better way.. ( have have design boards multiple times before i was happy enough)
try a DDR design to re create.. there wil come a lot of questions.

and you can ask the forum for help any time!
so hope this helps
good luck!