Missing file "PhilsLab_Footprints_KiCad6.pretty" in KiCad project
Denis , 12-16-2024, 11:30 AM
Hello,I have started course "Mixed-Signal Hardware Design with KiCad " few weeks ago. The attachments of the first video contains a KiCad project with scheme.The footprint assignment dialog thrown the following error message due to missing file:" Errors were encountered loading footprints: Footprint library 'C:\Users\denis\Documents\MixSigCourse\KicadFiles/PhilsLab_Footprints_KiCad6.pretty' not found. " Since several components of the scheme missing footprints, I can not start a PCB drawing.Can you help to find missing footprints, please?Maybe there is some existing tutorial on how to manually create footprint.Thank you
Denis , 12-16-2024, 01:12 PM
Phil , 12-16-2024, 02:19 PM
@Denis Attached is the ZIP-ed footprint folder. Although for an older version, DigiKey has some videos on footprint creation for KiCad that will help, e.g.
Denis , 12-16-2024, 02:20 PM
Thank you
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