iMX6 Rex Module/Course - Signals of peripheral/memory/communication interfaces
Jeferson Pehls , 04-17-2023, 02:54 AM
My first post here in this forum.
I know Feranec from Youtube and LinkedIn and I'm one of his fans, Robert is my biggest inspiration in the high-speed world.
I'm studying the schematic of the iMX6 Rex Module before acquiring and beginning the Advanced PCB Layout Course.
One of my goals is to understand every singular signal of all peripheral/memory/communication interfaces, if possible in a reduced and simple way, easy and clear to understand. I'm not in a hurry about this. So I ask please, where do you recommend me to search/read such information? And also, on how to understand how is the RAM and flash memories' data organization and how these are related to their electrical signals?
When I reach my goal, I pretend to write a document and share it in Google Docs, to be able to share with any person or even share the link on LinkedIn, to help for free people with the same doubts I have, taking the opportunity to indicate the course to everyone (on LinkedIn where I'm almost achieving 10K followers).
I have these books that have much relation to high-speed layout, so I will begin the course already having some background. I'm great fan of Bogatin, Archambeault and Ralph Morrison.
Thanks in advance and regards,
Jeferson Pehls.
robertferanec , 04-18-2023, 08:49 AM
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