For the past week I had a problem with integrating a PIC 24E with a mini computer.
It is a old classic and simple circuit anybody can do it, but it took me hours of hours
Finally I solved it

I would like to share my experience to anybody would like here to ease their experience

PIC 24E <---> MAX233 UART transiver <---> PC : failed!
PIC 24E <---> MAX233 UART transiver <---> Digitus UART to USB <---> PC : Pass
PIC 24E <---> MAX233 UART transiver <---> MAX233 UART transiver <---> PIC 24E :PASS
so, almost all configurations were tested and just one which I did need did not work!
But why?!
Remember when you program a uController for specific baud rate, say 9600 there is ALWAYS an error margin!!!
I found a 5% error on the PIC datasheet, and sames happens within mini computer!
So in a statistically rear event these errors cause the data corruption.
BUT how did I solve
I put my PIC on 9000 and the PC on 9600
all of a sudden everything works fine
so dont give up try all combinations