Buy Via For PCB From Aliexpress
MuhammedHesham , 07-06-2019, 03:04 AM
Hello everyone

I'm trying to find out what is suitable Via size for PCB
in fact i want it with 0.8 inner diameter and 1mm outer diameter of Via
i found it on another websites but when i'm trying to buy from Aliexpress i don't unerstand the title of product
photo of alixexprees product is attached
Link: U All

robertferanec , 07-08-2019, 02:13 AM
I have never seen anything like this. What are you planning to do?
MuhammedHesham , 07-08-2019, 10:24 AM
Thanks for your replay

i'm planning to make two layer pcb with cnc router .. it used to make vias in fast way instead of soldering wire from top to bottom
with this i don't need to solder anything just put it and with small hit with special tool or hammer it's done
you can see what i mean in this video at
- CNC Wegstr machine set for PCB rivering set
robertferanec , 07-09-2019, 12:54 AM
Interesting - every day I learn something new

PS: For everyone who would like to jump directly to the part of video where it is used: The finished PCB looks very nice and professional, but I would still maybe rather go with soldering a wire. I would trust soldering more - soldering makes reliable connection. I am not sure how reliable connections are made by this VIAs (especially if they do not lose contact after some time). It would be interesting to hear experience from someone who has used these VIAs before.
Paul van Avesaath , 07-09-2019, 11:57 PM
these things are way old school!!!!

i remember my dad (who worked at phillips over 35 years ago) would sit in the attick doing this. I would go with roberts idea too, but to each his own.. very cool that this tech is still used.. and you can always solder the joint afterwards..
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