Creating mechanical hole without warnings
Piotr , 08-17-2022, 01:13 AM
I'd like to create a simple hole with 4mm diameter (without any pad).
No matter if I choose Mechanical Hole, Tooling Hole or Mounting Hole.
I can save padstack, but with warnings.
First and second warning: I don't want to create internal pad or pads for all layers, because it will be only a simple drill in PCB.
Third warning: If I don't create pad, it will be error with info, that at leat one pad must be defined.
Drill tab:
Design layers tab:
Mask layers tab:
Can someone explain why I can't create simple hole without warnings?
Many thanks
robertferanec , 08-18-2022, 08:50 AM
I would ignore the warnings. The warnings are relevant, they just do not apply to your case.
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