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Part time work in PCB Design

rajat_jain_785 , 05-30-2021, 12:07 PM

I am a full time IC designer in a corporate job and have recently (since past 1 year and 5 months) learnt PCB design.
I have done microcontroller boards as well as iMX6 boards. Also worked on Wall Mount Laptop and Phone chargers.
I also know Solidworks, hence can design enclosures as well.

Parallel to my regular job, I would like to do PCB design for a client either on a contract basis or any other way, as a side income and to increase my experience in PCB design.

I have tried websites like fiverr and upworks but its not working out.

Any suggestions how I can takeup PCB design contracts or freelance work after my regular office work ?
Does having a channel on youtube helps ? Any other advice is kindly welcome.

Thank you
robertferanec , 06-05-2021, 03:27 AM
When I was starting with freelancing, I have got usually my freelance work from the companies where I used to work (not only the last one, but also previous company) or through friends of mine. Then of course, my own blog and channel helped.

PS: The biggest problem when looking for a freelance job is trust - companies need to be sure that the freelancer will deliver. That is why companies or people who know the freelancer is the simplest place to find this kind of job.
Lakshmi , 06-07-2021, 08:09 AM
Having a youtube channel may or may not help. I can't comment much on this but it'll help people who're looking to learn by sharing your knowledge.
I think the best place is LinkedIn.
Can you connect with me, I'll see if I can help you.
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