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[IMX6 TINYREX] Can't get imx6 to boot/display to monitor

thefuture , 01-16-2019, 06:38 AM
I've been trying to install a custom linux distribution using yocto on imx6 tinyrex and get it to boot and show booted os on my monitor but to no success. I bought it from Voipac so I am following their tutorial on how to setup it up.

First, I've installed the repo utility with:

mkdir -pv ~/workdir/bin
curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis....downloads/repo > ~/workdir/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/workdir/bin/repo
PATH=${PATH}:~/workdir/bin Download the BSP Yocto Project Environment
mkdir -pv ~/workdir/imx6/yocto/fsl-release-bsp-2.1
cd ~/workdir/imx6/yocto/fsl-release-bsp-2.1

Add rex/tinyrex support
mkdir -pv .repo/local_manifests/
cat > .repo/local_manifests/imx6rex.xml << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<remote fetch="git://github.com/Voipac" name="voipac"/>

<project remote="voipac" revision="master" name="meta-fsl-arm-voipac" path="sources/meta-fsl-arm-voipac">
<copyfile src="voipac-setup.sh" dest="voipac-setup.sh"/>

Sync repositories
cd ~/workdir/imx6/yocto/
ln -s fsl-release-bsp-2.1 fsl-release-bsp
cd ~/workdir/imx6/yocto/fsl-release-bsp
repo sync

Add Voipac meta layer into BSP
source voipac-setup.sh

Then I build the image with:

=imx6-tinyrexprosource setup-environment build-dir
bitbake core-image-base

The build goes well with the exception of few warning for some packages and one which says this build is not tested on ubuntu 16.04 even though i remember
I've read somewhere that Ubuntu 16.04 is tested.

After that I write it to an SD card:

cd ~/workdir/imx6/yocto/fsl-release-bsp/build-dir/tmp/deploy/images/imx6-tinyrexpro
gunzip -c core-image-base-imx6-tinyrexpro-<date>.rootfs.sdcard.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && syncT

Then when I try to boot the imx6 tinyrex nothing is displayed on the monitor. I am not sure if it does not boot at all or is missing some display drivers.

Can someone help me with this issue?
robertferanec , 01-16-2019, 11:25 PM
How do you pass parameters to OS - from uBoot or is it set in command line (you know the parameters about console output, display resolution, filesystem etc)? Are you sure these parameters are correct?

This is an example of command line:
"Kernel command line: console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/nfs rootdelay=4 ip=dhcp nfsroot=,v3,tcp video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,LDB-XGA,if=RGB666 vmalloc=400M fbmem=28M fbcon=28M"
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