Test plan to bring-up OpenRex
justaelvis , 11-23-2018, 04:57 AM
Hi Robert,
I am working on an embedded project that building a gateway designed based on OpenRex.
Could you show or instruct me a test plan/ test process that used to bring-up the board from the assembled board.
Thank you!
robertferanec , 11-24-2018, 02:34 AM
BCVegas , 01-13-2020, 11:54 AM
Hi Robert-
Would the Try Before Buy script in your link above work for the MMPF0100NPAEP device?
robertferanec , 01-14-2020, 05:17 AM
I am not sure what script you mean
BCVegas , 01-14-2020, 03:12 PM
I apologize. I wasn't at all clear in what I was asking.
I have a board with the MMPF0100NPAEP part as it comes from nxp. I understand that it needs to be programmed to work on an OpenRex board. In the link above:

For our new open source board we decided to use a configurable power management chip as a main board supply. On this page you can find how to program and test
it shows the instructions for programming the PMIC as well as the try before buy and one time programming script. My question is whether those scripts apply to the MMPF0100NPAEP part.
robertferanec , 01-15-2020, 05:50 AM
We used that script to flash OpenRex. But I do not remember if there are any updates in the script - I think it should work oki.
I believe, you should be able to play with the chip - I think that is the Try-before-buy. Once you are happy with your Try-before-buy script, you can then adjust it based on One Time programming script.
PS: The script may need to be adjusted to your specific custom board
BCVegas , 01-15-2020, 08:55 AM
Thanks, Robert. Appreciate the help.
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