Hi I've recently purchased an OpexRex board and I've been having some difficulty with installing Android OS. It was shipped with Linux Terminal.
This was the guide I was following.

On this page you can find step-by-step instructions about how to test Android on iMX6 Rex. Credit goes to VOIPAC. Thank you. For more information, follow
I've followed the steps but when hooking up the board to a display using HDMI, I receieve "No Signal". I'm not entirely sure what went wrong during the installation. Several things I've noticed is that when I run this script:
sudo ./fsl-sdcard-partition.sh -f /dev/sdb
I get an output that looks like the image attached.
Did I do something wrong? I wasn't sure how to complete the "Initalize Boot Loader" step, as it tells me in a different guide (the one on voipac), where it says to get "uboot". Well I attempted to do so but I was unable to register on NXP to obtain such information (didn't receive an email).
Is it possible to obtain another explanation of the steps that I must undergo in order to install Android OS?
Thank You,
OpenRex Customer