RE : Placement under CPU using cross probe and reposition selected components options
nikhil2402 , 11-13-2016, 01:58 PM
Hi All,
I am following the course on Advanced PCB layout and I have question in Lesson 1 at 35:56 time. Robert uses cross probe in schematic to highlight the pins in PCB and then selects decoupling capacitors and places them using reposition selected component option. However, when I did the same thing I see that as soon as I select a decoupling capacitor in schematic, the highlighted nets are gone and the whole PCB is highlighted.
Anyone faced similar problems? I tried couple of options to solve this but was not successful. Anyone has recommendation what might be wrong here? (I have cross probe selected in both Schematic and PCB)
robertferanec , 11-14-2016, 09:33 AM
This will help Alium has done a lot of problems with changing how the probe works. It was much better as it was before and I receive a lot of comments about this probe issue. I contacted Altium, but I don't think they are going to fix it

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