Question about decoupler placement and fanout under CPU.
tadzio , 06-29-2020, 07:42 AM

So I am going through the Advanced PCB Layout course and am mostly done with my fanout under the CPU and placement of caps / fb's. I think I have around 10 left or so, but I am starting to run into issues where there is just no way to keep all decouplers close. For example I will have a 100nF and a 4.7uF cap that need to be placed close to a pin. If I can only really fit one of them close to the pin, is there any preference on weather it should be the 100nF or 4.7uF?
I can see that it is a very iterative process to do a successful fanout, and am trying to get through it. Any help / advice is appreciated.
robertferanec , 07-01-2020, 07:20 AM
place smaller capacitance closer the the pin
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