USB_OTG on Baseboard and Module
milos.stankovic , 08-22-2019, 06:04 AM
I am looking at Baseboard schematic. If I choose to use USB0 as USB_OTG there is a jumper JP1 that connects USB_ID to GND if populated, which means that USB micro AB will work as a Host.
For Host operation can be used USB_OTG cable that has ID pin connected to GND. In that case JP1 can be left open. Am I right?
What if I want to use it as a Device? It says in Design Note that for Slave (meaning Client) operation USB0_ID should be left to float...
In module schematic there is Design Note which says that for Device operation USB-ID should be 1. Does it mean that in that case USB_OTG_ID is pulled up inside the iMX6?
For Device operation 5V power supply comes from USB connector. In this case +5V_USB_OTG from J21 will power up +5V, which is going to power +5V_USB_VBUS. Did I understand it correctly?
Best regards,
robertferanec , 08-23-2019, 06:34 AM
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